One Design and Construct is the winner of 2016 Master Builders Association’s Housing Excellence Award. Awarded for construction excellence in the Alteration and Additions $150,000 to $200,000 category.
John and his team are celebrating the win from last Saturday. While everyone is happy to receive such high praise and enjoy a really big win, I’m also reminded of all the hard work that went into making the project so successful.
The award submission process kick-started in July 2015. The judging panel went out to the Peter and Jill’s Applecross house sometime in November. I was told in December that our project was shortlisted as one of the finalists! That was quite exciting. But the competition was very strong, with some very big names among the contenders. Back then, winning the Master Builders Housing Excellence Award for 2016 seemed a long way off.
All that effort by everyone involved in the project has paid off. Only a year ago, Peter and Jill were bracing themselves for what could have been a difficult extension/renovation to their home. Instead the project ran like clockwork and turned out to be a genuine award winner!
Now Perth knows what One Design & Construct is capable of – construction excellence no less – so I suspect there will be a lot more exciting projects to report in this space. If you haven’t seen it yet, go over and inspect the award winning project.