One Design & Construct turns 10!
That’s right. OneDC is having its 10th birthday! So much has happened in this decade. We’ve built a dedicated and skillful team who consistently produces the highest quality results for all the wonderful clients we’ve met and worked with this past decade. We’ve made new friends in the building industry and in our own community, and we’ve forged real bonds with so many great people to make a real difference in the lives of others. We’re not only very proud of the work we’ve done with helping our clients achieve their dreams, but we’re also proud to be part of a thriving and dynamic Western Australian community that enjoys the challenge of chipping in to improve each other’s lives. Though it wasn’t always like this for us.
Ten years ago, our leader and the founder of OneDC, John Bodin, was racking up the hours managing large projects for other builders. With a young growing family, it was hard at times, especially because the work took him away from home constantly. Even with his wonderful ‘operations manager’ / wife, Emma, filling in all the gaps and providing all the support in the world, it was still tough going. John was great at what he did, and he began to think that maybe he should stop managing projects for other builders and start doing it for himself. He just had to convince the wife!

Like any new business, the early beginnings of One DC came with a ton of challenges. But everyone knuckled down, put their back into it and soldiered through the hard times. We couldn’t have done it without lots of support from great friends and even greater family and, especially, the super work of our fabulous team led by the ever-amazing Ash, our main chippy and troubleshooter, who has been with us for seven years now! His work ethic and stamina on projects are second to none. We love him, and more so, the clients do! There’s Adam, our contracts administrator/ estimator who never fails to amaze us with his brilliance in dealing with trades and businesses. And Aidan, our 3rd-year apprentice who works tirelessly every day without missing a beat, soaking up all the knowledge he can gather. Two people we also love having on our team are Marcel, who has come on board in the past year and slotted into our little work family with ease and Lou who is dedicated to making sure we stay sane when BAS time rolls around! We always say we’re only as good as our team and what a team we have! J
John has had some fantastic mentors along the way who he still keeps in touch with, but the stand-out has to be Alan Thomas. Back in the day, Alan was the Managing Director of Rapley Wilkinson, and now he’s the GM for Thomas Building. Alan’s always been a great advocate for John, but even so, John is pretty sure it’s his shout for the next lunch.
Another great supporter is Pam Keys. Her Cottesloe build was our first big project and it really got the OneDC ball rolling in a big way. We’ve done a few more jobs for Pam since then, including her son’s renovation. We’re always happy to help Pam. We love her to bits!
In the last decade, One DC has gone from strength to strength. We won our first Master Builders Housing Excellence Award in 2016, and we’ve been a finalist in the Master Builders Awards every year since. Despite the truly excellent competition from year to year, we took out another award in 2018 and then again in 2022. Two of those awards were for separate jobs for the same clients, Pete and Jill Siney, who we cherish as both friends and true advocates for OneDC. And our guys tell us Jill bakes a sensational cake for morning tea.
It’s been a decade of hard, high quality and rewarding work, achieving dreams and improving lives. We look forward to another decade just like it, and to help more people turn their own dreams into a reality as we have our own. Thank you, everyone. We couldn’t have done it without you all.