#playinpurple round for Pancreatic Cancer
Did you know that pancreatic cancer is the 3rd biggest cancer killer in Australia, with just an 12.2% survival rate? That compares to prostate and breast cancer with survival rates above 90%. Yet the research into Pancreatic Cancer receives little or no funding at all.
Research into treatments and a cure for this terrible disease have very few avenues of funding, which is why Pankind®️, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, and our wonderful footy clubs’ #playinpurple Australia-wide fundraisers are so important to raise awareness and generate much-needed dollars for vitally important research.
Last year, Bullcreek Leeming Junior Football Club (BLJFC) supported Pankind’s #playinpurple cause and raised nearly $11,000 in the process! 1DC’s very own Emma Bodin was the driving force behind that very successful weekend and she aims to do it again in 2023, only bigger, better, and with a bunch more sponsors on board. Just like last year, One Design and Construct is front and centre for sponsorship, but for 2023 a lot more businesses are jumping on board to join the fight against pancreatic cancer on the weekend of 29/30 July 2023, to help with fundraising and for more research dollars to help all Australians, not only now, but in the future.
The inaugural #playinpurple weekend was only the beginning. This year Emma and the BLJFC are not only hoping to raise more funds for Pancreatic Cancer Research, but also spread the word to other clubs too.
“Our club sees this as a wonderful opportunity to increase player and community engagement, while supporting an important cause affecting an increasing amount of Australians. Finding a cure for Pancreatic Cancer is something very close to my heart, having lost my beautiful mum to this insidious disease 3 years ago. I truly believe this is a great initiative not only for all the junior AFL clubs, but also the senior ranks to jump on board also. I would love it if it eventually became a dedicated round in not only the juniors, but even in the WAFL (and AFL), just like the fight against MND etc. Watch this space!” said Emma.
Anyone interested in supporting or sponsoring, or, if you are a football club that would like to know more,please contact Emma directly at emma@1dc.com.au.
1DC would also like to give a huge shout out to the other businesses who have already joined in the fight with their generous sponsorship of #playinpurple